Source code for antinex_utils.build_scaler_dataset_from_records

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

from spylunking.log.setup_logging import build_colorized_logger
from antinex_utils.consts import SUCCESS
from antinex_utils.consts import ERR
from antinex_utils.consts import NOTRUN

log = build_colorized_logger(

[docs]def build_scaler_dataset_from_records( record_list, label="build-scaled-dataset", min_feature=-1, max_feature=1, cast_to_type="float32"): """build_scaler_dataset_from_records :param record_list: list of json records to scale between min/max :param label: log label for tracking :param min_feature: min feature range for scale normalization :param max_feature: max feature range for scale normalization :param cast_to_type: cast all of the dataframe to this datatype """ status = NOTRUN last_step = "not-run" df = None scaler = None dataset = None res = { "status": status, "err": last_step, "org_recs": df, "scaler": scaler, "dataset": dataset } try: last_step = ("building scaler range=[{},{}]").format( min_feature, max_feature)"{} - {}") .format( label, last_step)) scaler = MinMaxScaler( feature_range=( min_feature, max_feature)) last_step = ("converting records={} to df").format( len(record_list))"{} - {}") .format( label, last_step)) df = pd.read_json(record_list) if cast_to_type: last_step = ("casting df values to type={}").format( cast_to_type)"{} - {}") .format( label, last_step)) only_floats = df.values.astype(cast_to_type) last_step = ("running scale transform rows={}").format( len(df.index))"{} - {}") .format( label, last_step)) dataset = scaler.fit_transform( only_floats) status = SUCCESS except Exception as e: last_step = ("failed build_scaler_dataset_from_records " "with ex={} last_step='{}' " "recs={} range=[{},{}]").format( e, last_step, str(record_list)[0:64], min_feature, max_feature)"{} - {}") .format( label, last_step)) status = ERR # end of try/ex res = { "status": status, "err": last_step, "org_recs": df, "scaler": scaler, "dataset": dataset } return res
# end of build_scaler_dataset_from_records